How Did a Venture Studio Contribute to Liquid Death’s $1.4 Billion Milestone?

Venture Studio

21st August , 2024

Liquid Death, the innovative canned water brand known for its edgy marketing and commitment to environmental sustainability, has recently achieved a remarkable milestone: a $1.4 billion valuation.

Central to this success is Science Inc., the venture studio that played a pivotal role in Liquid Death’s growth trajectory. This blog explores how Science Inc. has been instrumental in transforming Liquid Death from a disruptive idea into a leading player in the beverage industry.

From Concept to Launch

Liquid Death's journey began with founder Mike Cessario’s vision to revolutionize the bottled water market. Before joining forces with Science Inc. in 2018, Cessario, was a creative director with experience at brands like Netflix and Virgin. He was quietly building a community around his idea of a rebellious, eco-friendly water brand. This early groundwork set the stage for a partnership with Science Inc., a venture studio known for backing bold and unconventional consumer brands.

Creative campaigns and edgy branding

Mike Cessario and his team redefined the beverage industry by blending rebellious branding with inventive marketing strategies. Liquid Death started with Cessario’s vision to disrupt the bottled water market using edgy humor and alternative culture. Their bold, gothic aesthetic and "Murder Your Thirst" tagline set them apart from traditional water brands. Their approach resonated with a younger, environmentally conscious audience who were looking for something more than just hydration. Cessario’s knack for tapping into cultural currents helped Liquid Death build a loyal following. Hence, making it a standout in a saturated market.

Liquid Death's marketing tactics include several standout campaigns that have garnered significant attention. The"Taze Test" turned negative feedback into a viral spectacle by challenging critics to identify Liquid Death’s flavor. The Super Bowl ad, with its shocking twist revealing that the edgy scenes were all about water. It showcased their knack for creating memorable moments. Their social media strategy drives organic growth through engaging content.

They also collaborate with figures who embody their rebellious spirit. This approach not only keeps the brand relevant but also fosters a genuine connection with its audience. Liquid Death's commitment to environmental responsibility, using aluminum cans instead of plastic bottles, and their "Death to Plastic" mission, have set them apart in the beverage industry. This, combined with their edgy brand, has helped them carve out a unique niche.

Key Contributions of Science Inc.

  • Early Funding and Strategic Guidance

Science Inc. recognized the potential in Liquid Death early on. The venture studio led Liquid Death’s Seed, Series C, and Series D funding rounds, including a significant $2.3 million seed round in 2019. This early investment was crucial for Liquid Death to refine its brand positioning and execute its unique marketing strategy. Beyond providing financial support, Science Inc. offered strategic guidance that helped shape the brand’s development and market approach.

  • Scaling Operations and Distribution

With the funds and support from Science Inc., Liquid Death scaled its distribution network significantly. Liquid Death expanded to over 113,000 retailers in the US and UK. Its innovative packaging and marketing drove $263 million in sales in just one year.Science Inc. also supported Liquid Death’s operational growth. This allowed the company to meet rising demand. They also introduced new product categories like flavored sparkling water and iced tea.

  • Product Innovation and Market Expansion

Liquid Death’s success is not just about its initial launch but also its continuous innovation. With the backing of Science Inc., the company has introduced new products like Death Dust, hydration sticks that extend the brand’s reach beyond ready-to-drink beverages. This innovation aligns with Liquid Death’s mission to offer unique, eco-friendly alternatives to traditional beverages and reinforces its position as a market disruptor.

  • Enhancing the Distribution Network

Liquid Death welcomed Stephen Ballard, a seasoned sales executive with experience at White Claw, to further scale its distribution network. Science Inc.’s support in this transition ensures that Liquid Death continues to grow its reach and effectiveness in the competitive beverage industry.

Science Inc. remains committed to supporting exceptional entrepreneurs like Mike Cessario and his team at Liquid Death. As Liquid Death scales, Science Inc. will be key in navigating challenges and seizing new opportunities. The venture studio’s strategic guidance and funding have been instrumental in Liquid Death’s journey from a bold idea to a billion-dollar brand.

In addition to its pivotal role in Liquid Death's success, Science Inc. has a proven track record of backing transformative consumer brands. One notable example is Dollar Shave Club (DSC). In 2011, Science Inc. invested $100,000 in DSC, led by founder Michael Dubin. He revolutionized the men's grooming market with his subscription-based razor service. Within just two years, DSC achieved $65 million in sales, eventually catching the eye of Unilever, which acquired the brand in a landmark deal. This success highlights Science Inc.’s skill in nurturing startups that blend technology with impactful consumer engagement.

In conclusion, Science Inc.’s partnership with Liquid Death exemplifies how a venture studio can propel a brand to extraordinary heights. Science Inc.’s early funding, strategic support, and guidance helped Liquid Death revolutionize the beverage industry and achieve remarkable success. As Liquid Death continues to grow, it will be exciting to see how it evolves and further establishes itself as a leader in the market.

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